HOME Rebuttal – The introduction of evidence at a trial that is in response to new material raised by the defendant at an earlier stage of the trial. Reconciliation – When parties decide to get back together. They may sign a reconciliation agreement, which is enforceable by the court. Respondent – The partner in a marriage against whom a dissolution petition is filed. IN other states defendant has the same meaning as respondent. Response – The written response to a complaint, petition or motion. Restraining Order – A court order prohibiting a party from certain activities. Issued in response to a motion. Restraining orders are often issued to protect against domestic violence or to protect marital assets. In California, violating a “domestic restraining order” is a criminal offense. Retainer – Money paid by the client to the lawyer or expert witness to obtain a commitment from the lawyer or expert witness to handle the client’s case. A retainer can be a deposit against which the lawyer or expert witness charges fees as they are earned. Rollover – A rollover occurs when a participant leaves an employer and directs the defined contribution plan to transfer the money in his account to a new plan or individual retirement account. This preserves the benefits and does not trigger any tax consequences if done in a timely manner. Rules of Evidence – The rules that govern the method of presentation and admissibility of oral and documentary evidence at court hearings or depositions. Back to Glossary return to top of page < HOME Contact a LA Family Law at Law Offices of Warren R. Shiell today! Please call to make an appointment at 310.247.9913. © 2009 Warren R. Shiell. All rights reserved. LA Family Law and Family Law Attorney. The information contained in this website is an "Advertisement." It is for informational purposes only and shall not constitute legal advice. Nothing in this Website shall be deemed to create an Attorney-Client relationship. An Attorney-Client relationship shall only be created when this office agrees to represent a Client and a Client signs a written retainer agreement. |
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